Hello everyone,

I’m Monique Maksym and I’ve been cooking and crafting my whole life. Being a professional multi media journalist it has been a pleasure to host cooking and public access television for nearly a decade. My mission is to help our community make little every day changes that will lead to a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their family. My personal passions are automobiles, suicide awareness and prevention, especially for the youth and veterans. Also veteran and elder care is important to me. I love people who share their gifts and talents and I hope to share one of my passions here with you today.

Today I want to encourage and invite you to try bird watching. I thought this would be timely since I recently brought home my Peking ducks from their winter babysitter. I enjoy them in my pond for three seasons but if the pond is frozen they are literally sitting ducks for the coyote. Bird watching is another one of my passions and it’s a great way to relax. It’s also fun to get to know the birds in your area and when they are coming and going.

All you need for bird watching is a pair of binoculars and if you really want to get into it a book of northern Michigan birds and a journal is helpful too. You can watch from a quiet park location or your own window. I find bird seed to be low in cost and I measure one cup a day. Please don’t feed birds bread scraps it’s not best for them, but any black sunflower mix is a pretty good choice.

This time of year the cutest baby ducks and chicks are available at many farm supply stores. They are hard to resist. I remind you to be a responsible pet owner and know the needs of your bird selection. For instance Peking ducks can die of loneliness and they can live up to 20 years. That is a serious commitment.

Until next time enjoy your year round back yard and the birds.


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For more healthy living and entertaining ideas go to wbrwtv.com and watch my show — Monique’s Eats and Treats.
You can also find the virtual editons of Macomb Now Magazine. Watch them on demand at WBRWTV.com

By Monique Maksym


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