It’s A 200 Year Celebration

2018 marks 200 years for Macomb County. That’s 200 years that our county has been building, growing and creating a place for us to call home. From the years with farmland, railroads and a few downtowns to our 800,000 plus present residents, Macomb County has continually been growing, diversifying business, improving infrastructure and developing recreational opportunities creating a place where businesses thrive and people live happily. We all call it home.
From the historical events that have happened over the years to the stories behind it all, putting together a celebration of this magnitude has been a collaboration of many Macomb County business leaders. Deputy County Executive Pam Lavers, who is leading the county’s Bicentennial Planning Committee, hopes the yearlong celebration creates a sense of connectedness throughout the county.
“We have a great group of community leaders, volunteers and passionate county employees helping Macomb County celebrate its historic Bicentennial milestone,” said Lavers. The committee aims to educate the community about the county’s history while leaving a legacy for the future. They began working back in the spring of 2017 when they gathered to brainstorm ideas. Together the committee has come up with a year’s worth of celebrations to inspire and create opportunities for everyone to celebrate our county’s heritage.
The Bicentennial Kickoff will be January 9, 2018 when the historical proclamation, markers and plaque will be presented to the county. But the signature event of the year, that will connect all communities, will be the Bicentennial Torch Relay. In June starting in downtown Mount Clemens with county elected officials starting the relay. This venture through each and every community is sure be the largest event Macomb County has ever undertaken.
Torches are being designed and built at Macomb Community College. A designated person(s) from each community will then carry the torch on the designated route coming together with their neighboring community to light the next torch. The final phase ends back in downtown Mount Clemens during their fireworks celebration Friday, June 22. Hopes are to have up-tothe- minute coverage available online so anyone can watch.
Other parts of the yearlong celebration include a Historical Passport that will be available at all Macomb libraries and participating historic sites within the county. Tour at least seven sites on the passport and receive a free meal at participating Culver’s Restaurants.
Another creative and fun way to celebrate will be to read a new book produced by the Suburban Library Cooperative (SLC) and Macomb Literacy Partners. The story features Macomb County sites all from the point-of-view of a child named Mac. The hope is to have the book completed before March in time for March’s reading month. Books will be available to purchase online and proceeds will benefit the Macomb Literacy Partners. “It will be a fun way to highlight our communities and read through Mac’s eyes,” said Tammy Turgeon of SLC.
Watch for more on Macomb’s Bicentennial Celebration throughout the year in Macomb Now Magazine. For more information visit