A Place for Sharing

By Tracey Moro
Sometimes hobbies turn into businesses. That’s what happened to Holly Trombley, owner of Green Thyme Workshop in Richmond. “When I moved here from California I was having trouble with my skin. I couldn’t find products that worked so I dealt with it by making my own soap bars using goat milk. From there I dove into shampoo bars getting rid of the sodium lauryl sulfate and that solved most my problems,” said Trombley. That’s when she got hooked on making natural skin care products.
Soap and shampoo soon snowballed into sunscreen, face cream, lotions, body scrubs, lip balm, body butter and more. She started showing her friends and family. Then they started requesting some. Soon her hobby had filled her whole house, and her gardens since she was also growing her own herbs and loofahs.
“Once my laundry room was filled with so much just for my ‘hobby’ my husband asked ‘why don’t you open a business and teach people how to do this?,’ That was the light bulb moment. So we began researching the idea,” said Trombley. “Next thing you know, I’m here on Main Street in downtown Richmond.” The shop opened right at Christmastime last year.
Green Thyme Workshop is a place of sharing. Holly shares her hobby of making natural soaps, lotions, bath bombs, mineral makeup, and more, including how to make them. “What sets us apart from the other organic places is you can literally come in and tell me what you’re looking for and we can custom make it and you take it home,” she said with a smile on her face.
There are several small workshop stations set up to make what you want with all the supplies you would need including containers. There are also a couple large tables for small groups of 20 or less. “I love teaching the groups. We get younger groups, like Girl Scout troops and we just had a group of young people who had disabilities, then we get the Red Hat ladies or a group celebrating a birthday,” said Trombley. “You can bring in snacks and drinks and have a party while learning how to make lotions or make up.”
Holly makes all the products sold in the shop. “The soaps are the only really time consuming products that we require you to set an appointment,” claimed Trombley. For the do-it-yourselfers she has all the supplies so you can make your own body care products at home at your leisure. “By making your own you will be using better products, saving money and helping the environment.”
Green Thyme Workshop, 67353 S. Main Street, Richmond, m.me/greenthymeworkshop