Savings Hacks

Get the Picture 

When is the last time you really looked at all of your accounts? The average American has 17 financial accounts with multiple institutions.

When you want to see everything in one place, there’s an app for that! Knowing where you stand financially can make setting savings goals much easier. This can take some time, but is worth the effort. Some apps to consider: Mint (; Quicken (

Don’t be Aimless

You’ve taken financial inventory, now set some goals. Goals should be specific and connect to a timeframe. For example: I will save $6,000 this year so I can go on my dream vacation without using credit. Now you can take your goal by month or pay period to see what that would look like and how you will have to adjust your habits to get there. Fewer lattes, maybe. It’s up to you. Whether your goal is to increase long-term savings to build a nest egg or start an emergency fund, having a goal established will increase your likelihood of getting there.

Instead of an “Increase” Make it a Savings Bonus

For most of us, when we get a pay increase, a bonus or an unexpected windfall, we think, ”Ooh, now I can buy more or upgrade.” However, you can easily make that money, that you have already been doing without, work harder for you. Saving the extra is a great way to boost your savings because it takes virtually no sacrifice.

Change your Mindset. Saving More is Not Getting Less!

Saving is a gift you give yourself. Why? Because when you do it right, you set yourself up for success – whether that means less debt when the unexpected comes up or having the funds you need to experience things you enjoy, like travel. Less stress can set your mind at ease. Is it worth it to reduce the number of impulse purchases in order to experience the satisfaction of being able to afford those things you truly value? You be the judge.

Healthy savings habits can be built one small step at a time. Changing your perspective on savings can go a long way toward helping you reach your goals!

For savings tips, budgeting advice, credit insights, and more ways to maximize your finances, visit our Financial Wellness Hub at

Amy PersynAmy Persyn, Chief Marketing Officer at First State Bank, is a lifelong Macomb County Resident. She is passionate about connecting families and entrepreneurs with information that can help them become empowered and financially literate.

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