Relationships—Children First

Relationships—Children First

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, MA, LLP When parents divorce, their child custody plans are supposed to place the “best interests of the child” first, but amidst the strong feelings of bitterness and resentment that often accompany divorce, this can be a difficult process...
Letting Go

Letting Go

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. Letting go can be hard. Letting go of “stuff ” can be particularly difficult for many. We surround ourselves with stuff that often simultaneously seems both important and useless. We sometimes hold onto unnecessary items with the...
Baby Makes Three

Baby Makes Three

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. Becoming a new parent is an event often filled with anticipation and excitement. There are diapers to buy, bottles to feed and new responsibilities. But apart from the day-to-day added tasks a new baby brings to a relationship, new...
Relationships—The Value of Agreeing to Disagree

Relationships—The Value of Agreeing to Disagree

By Shelley Bonanno Conflict is an inevitable part of relationships, particularly in emotionally close ones. And while many people attempt to avoid or minimize conflict, conflict in relationships is not necessarily a situation to be avoided. In fact, research has shown...
Relationships—Children and Divorce

Relationships—Children and Divorce

By Shelley Bonanno Divorce is a painful loss for everyone. Children often feel hurt and helpless when their parents divorce. While there is no question that divorce brings change that often includes intense pain and hurt feelings between the divorcees, parents always...