Relationships—Oldest, Youngest or Middle

Relationships—Oldest, Youngest or Middle

Does being a firstborn, middle child, last-born or only child have an effect on your personality, behavior, or even your intelligence? While this assertion has been challenged, our birth order is believed by many to have an enduring impact on our psychological...


By focusing on your behaviors, thoughts and actions you too can become resilient and better able to face adversity. By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. We all experience stress and adversity at one time or another throughout our lives. Adversity can occur in the form of...
Relationships: Empty Nest – Fly Away

Relationships: Empty Nest – Fly Away

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. / Illustration by Jim Nosakowski The term Empty Nest is often used to describe the transition period in a family’s life cycle when the children have grown up and left home to begin their own adult lives. While Empty Nest Syndrome is...
Parenting Your Adult Child

Parenting Your Adult Child

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. Studies reveal the relationship between a parent and a child is the longest, lasting social tie humans ever develop. When children are born, they are dependent on their parents to meet all of their needs. While the goal of parents is...
Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

By Shelley Galasso Bonanno, M.A. | Photography by Maria Lisa Militello Developing and maintaining healthy relationships is vital to both our physical health and our emotional well-being. While most of us are aware of the positive physical effects of adequate sleep, a...